Task 16
I ‘ve played many games in my life and I spent many time on them, and I will play more games and I’ll spend more time, and from all these games I preffer to play games without gambling, music-dance, only-social games. In other words, I preffer games with action, like RPG, MOMPRG, FPS and turn base games. Of cource most of the games now have gambling, music and social parts in, but these are not the main consept of the game! Also I don’t like games with crime (although I play Omerta which is all about crime, but the game is a sort of a text-game).
The games always have a culture, patterns of human activity and symbolic structures which give such activity significance. The good games want/need the gamers to be part of the game, the structure of the games to be a different world for the gamers but at the same time to be familiar with the real one; like the money in the game, the power, the social part, gambling, crime and of cource death.
The games succeed what they want, that the gamer have a second life and a target to reach, easily when they use the culture images. They mix the cultures and they let us believe that the game have a new and different culture, and also they try to hide the origins the the mother-cultures. But the culture of the games is the culture of the humanity, because simply the humans create the games, and the humans are influenced by the cultures. So, I and all the gamers of the world, we play games with hide and un-hide cultures in them, and in the first case they are not familiar with the origin of the culture but only with the experience of that culture-through the game-!
MSN a home..at the internet
From the games, forums etc, we make “net-friends”, who are from different places (or not), but you know that probably you never going to meet them(and in many ways you don’t want to meet them, because they are just the “net-friends”). Well, in the games some times is difficult to chat, so what you can do is to chat via MSN. But the MSN in my opinion is something personal and even there you can catigorize the people you have add; still in many cases there are people that you don’t want them to bother you or you don’t have something to say with them-expect for the reason you invite them. Well I don’t have “net-friends”, and my contacts in MSN, are people that I’ve spent some time with them. For the net-friends, I prefer to communicate with e-mails.