The Light Is My Strength

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Task 21

The Last Stand

The university is a way to have a certificate for you knowledge . So is not so difficult to realaze what you know and what knowledge you gained from one course on a Univesity, because the educational system at the last few years specializing the students. So the when we finish the course is clear for as what we know and what we can do. The tricky thing is to find a way to use our abilites, creativity and knowledge to prove that we can get in the industry jobs. The unuversity will, for someone is the best or some of the best students, give them a chance to get a job at industry but nothing elses and only for few. So the way to get a job is to learn how to “sell” our selfs, ours abilites, our knowledge and for that we need to know, what we can do with ours knowledge (which we know), what we want for ours lifes (ambitions). I can see myself working with some game companies and at the same time working with some colleagues on our on-line game.


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